A number of papers are now available for download that document different aspects of the Maverick Machines exhibition.
Peter Cariani has kindly allowed us to use excerpts from his seminal paper on Pask’s electrochemical experiments.
Pask’s Ear and Biological Creativity by Peter Cariani
The papers by Stephen Gage and Usman Haque explore the influence of Pask’s research on architecture. Pask collaborated with Cedric Price on the Fun Palace in the 1960s (which unfortuantely never came to fruition) and with John Frazer in the 1980s at the Architecture Association and his influence continues. Several pieces of Pask-inspired work from the Bartlett Interactive Architecture Workshop are on show in the exhibition. Usman is also exhibiting work that demonstrates the continuing relevance of Pask’s ideas.
The Bartlett Interactive Architecture Workshop by Stephen Gage
Gordon Pask and Architecture by Usman Haque
George Mallen and David Powell describe their memories of Gordon Pask. George worked for seven years at Pask’s company, System Research Ltd. David was a contemporary of Pask’s at Rydal school and recounts his memory of Pask’s contribution (as a school boy) to the war effort.
Recollections of Working with Gordon Pask by George Mallen
A Distant Memory of Gordon Pask by David Powell
Ranulph Glanville describes the influence of Pask on five of his machines.
Five Machines and One Pask by Ranulph Glanville
Jon Bird and Ezequiel DiPaolo describe how Pask’s electrochemical research was part of a broader research goal, shared with cybernetician Stafford Beer, of finding a suitable ‘fabric’ or substrate for building maverick machines. They emphasise the radical nature of Pask’s approach by comparing it to contemporary research into adaptive behaviour.
Maverick Fabrics by Jon Bird and Ezequiel DiPaolo
Tim O’Shea gave a talk at the opening of the exhibition where he recounted how he had invited Gordon Pask to come at speak when he was a post doctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh and how he benefitted greatly from talking one on one with Pask. However, his colleagues could not understand Pask’s talk and his credibility went down – fortunately, his career recovered as he is now Principal of the university (although he has not returned to the hotel where he took Pask for breakfast…).