Archive for July 25th, 2007

Exhibition Opens!

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

Maverick Machines opened on Monday evening, with a wonderful opening speech by Timothy O’Shea, Principle of the University of Edinburgh. Tim recounted anecdotes of the time he had invited Pask up to Edinburgh in the 1970′s, bringing the spirit of Pask very much to life.

Timothy mentioned that many of Pask’s machines were truly maverick, malfunctioned and were unreliable – and as if Pask’s spirit was in the exhibition, two reliable displays that had been working for the preceding two days suddenly malfunctioned and stopped working….

The opening was a great success full of animated discussions, interactions and conversations.

Below are a series of photographs of the exhibition, commencing from the entrance and moving clockwise around the space.

Entrance to Exhibition PIR Illuminated Posters Central Area Solar Stacking Electrochemical Glasses E-Synthesiser E-Synth Oscilloscope & DVD’s Three Videos Central right side of exhibition Axon Technologies Memory Device Sound-Generated Thread System, DLA Simulation Close up - two Days of audio stimulation Hearing a Reality Video works from Bartlett Evolving Sonic Environment III Sensitive Light, velvet curtains and plant

More to follow..